Community has always been at the heart of Tor's strength. In this spirit, we created the Tor Project's Membership Program. Our goal is to build a supportive relationship between our nonprofit and private sector organizations that use our technology or want to support our mission.

Become a Member

Join the Tor Project Membership Program and demonstrate your commitment to privacy online and become more deeply involved in the Tor community. Email us at [email protected] to get started.

Shallot Onion Members

Mullvad VPN

"Contributing to communities and organizations that really strive to improve privacy and integrity online is important for Mullvad. Unfortunately, there are very few. Those that understand privacy, actively work to improve anti-fingerprinting and to protect users against more advanced attacks are even fewer. We believe that the Tor Project is one such organization. We share their values when it comes to human rights, freedom of expression, anti-censorship and online privacy."

Vidalia Onion Members

Show your support for privacy online

When your organization joins the Tor Project’s Membership Program, you are demonstrating your commitment to privacy online and supporting Tor’s agility and development. In return, you become a closer part of our community with three specific benefits: access to our Onion Advisors group to help you integrate Tor into your product, inclusion in conversations and exclusive meetings with the Tor Project team to learn about what we are cooking at Tor, and public promotion of your membership. If you are interested in becoming a member, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Membership Tiers

Membership tiers differ in their level of public promotion. No matter the level of your contribution, members receive the same community benefits: access to our Onion Advisors group to help integrate Tor into your project and inclusion in conversations and exclusive meetings with the Tor Project team. At Tor, we love all of the onions, but shallots are the tastiest!

Shallot Onion Member

≥ $100,000 per year

Your organization’s logo, linking back to your website, along with a quote from your organization about your motivation for joining the Membership Program, is featured on our Membership Program page. We will also engage in social media, events, and other promotional mechanisms.

Vidalia Onion Member

$50,000 - $99,999 per year

Your organization’s logo, linking back to your website, is featured on our Membership Program page. We will also engage in social media promotion.

Green Onion Member

$10,000 - $49,999 per year

Your organization’s name, linking back to your website, is featured on our Membership Program page.

Community is at the heart of the Tor Project Membership Program, and our members agree to join our community. As such, Members agree to adhere to Tor’s Code of Conduct, Social Contract, and our Statement of Values.